The Tribes of the WetPlains RP |
Hello! this is kinda like the Tribe of rushing water... i think it's called that, but y'know, please join. All of the tribes have something to do with water. also, once you've joined, could you please post a drawing in the project section of your charecter(s). they also have those long names, but if you want shorter names, then they will have to be spelt with a space between two words. ~BIO~ Name \ Age \ Gender \ tribe \ Looks \ skills \ mate \ Mewlers \ rank \ littermates \ Tribe of Sunlit Shallows: This Tribe live on a flat, orange plain with many shallow pools of water coating the land. Leader: (the leading cat) -Fire Dancing on surface of water (fire)- @cs801890 Prophet: (the cat who intercepts messages from the tribe of lapping waves) -Tuft of The Dandylion feather (tuft for short)- @cs801890 Shallowrunners: (Skinny, Fighters, Hunters) -Shy sky- @Robodog31 -Mouse pelt- @Robodog31 -Down mist- @Robodog31 -Flame willow- @Robodog31 -Ice claw- @Robodog31 -Talon that cuts through the air (talon\Talonflight)- @Nutupita -Kestrel who rules the crimson Suns (Kestrel)- Still-standers: (Mucley, protectors) -Sky where hawk swoops (Hawk for short)- a Very Mucley, Scarred pelted tom, they say he was one a tabby, but it is hard to tell. other from that, he is dark brown with green eyes @rockshadow1479 Nursers: (look after the Mewlers) Mewlers: (kittens) -Sun that shines over mountains (Sun)- A Sandy coloured she-cat with gentle blue eyes @djumbreon1234 ----------- Tribe of dancing shadows: These cats are dark coloured, and live in a very dark forest, centered with a clear pond, despite the trees hanging above it. Leader: (the leading cat) Prophet: (the cat who intercepts messages from the tribe of lapping waves) Slinking-shadows: (lean, hunters, fighters) -Shadow that hides in the leaves (leaf)- @aftermathcat -Shattered wind that Streaks the darkness- @cs801890 Claw that leaves a Mark (Claw)- @Dove--star Sturdy-Paws: (Strong, Protectors) Nursers: (Look after the Mewlers) -Quiet night- A she cat with a Very Dark brown pelt, looks black when it's not, and has even darker brown eyes @LovelyOtter Mewlers: (kittens) ----------- Tribe of outstretched claws: These cats live in a forest, with streams running through them that seem worlds long. the name 'outstretched claws' is named after a wonderful cat, who drowned, and his body was found, washed ashore a few moons later, with unsheathed claws. Leader: (the leading cat) Prophet: (a cat who intercepts messages from the tribe of lapping waves) -Soft touch of a white paw (Soft for short)- @cs801890 Hook-claws: (Swimmers, hunters, fighters) -Night where the star shine (night for short)- A black she-cat whith white muzzle, chest, paws and tail tip @BananaCat8 -Dog bark splitting crisp air (Dog for short)- a small, black she-cat with orange splotches and jay blue eyes @cs801890 Current-resisters: (Firm gripped, Protectors) wind that stirs the fallen leaves (wind)- @BananaMonkey Nursers: (Look after the Mewlers) Mewlers: (kittens) ----------- Tribe of lapping waves: These cats are the spirits of those who have passed away. They are transparent, and faint, nearly translucent. They live high in the stars, and Any Prophet can talk to them Through their dreams or the Reflected pond, that falls from a Stalegtight, but the Stalegmite has never formed. Leader: (the Leading Spirit) Life souls: (Spirits who are kind, and loyal to the tribes. they respect the living.) Death souls: (spirits who are Evil, Mean and frightening. if a cat stares into their eyes, it is sudden death.) ---------- Hidden-Pawsteppers: (loners) -Ginger Whirl in flight (Ginger for short)- a Extremely Small, Dangerout she-cat with dark ginger tabby fur, a white muzzle and front paws. one eye is bright yellow, the other is piercing blue. @cs801890 ---------- Bell-Ringers: (kittypets)