╠ Treasure Trading ╣
╠ Welcome to Treasure Trading ╣ ----------------------------------------------- Transaction form: [TTID] gives/gets [amount] to/from [TTID] ----------------------------------------------- Treasure Trading, TT for short, is a trading center and store for scratch. You may have heard of Palace of Points. It's sort of like PoP, to credit to them! The idea of Palace of Points is the foundation of TT, but we have a lot more! Please also note that we (TT) are the 4th "mall simulator" for scratch, the 2nd still standing. Star Shoppes was the 2nd and died, Gemnasium the 3rd and pretty much didn't get started. ----------------------------------------------- CURRENT NEWS: The manager interview station is now open! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4773676/comments/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/213506810/ Currency converter! The community shop has its first pieces of art, by @pitau! Check them out, and maybe buy! There's only 5 pieces right now, please add more! ^ The community shop is where you can sell art, designs, customized pieces, palettes, etc. for a price. When they're bought, you get double the amount back! -----------------------------------------------Also, please note that you start out with 30 bolts in TT while PoP gives you 100 points.That means that a bolts equal to a bit more than 3 points, so keep your prices reasonable! Also, you can set up a trading center to switch between PoP and TT currency. ----------------------------------------------- Please go to this website and read the majority of the "about" page to join! https://lightningstriike.wixsite.com/treasure-trading If you aren't allowed on another website, go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/282153/ ^scroll down on there!^ ----------------------------------------------- New elements: • Website (https://lightningstriike.wixsite.com/treasure-trading) • Community Shop (Where you can sell pre-mades with set prices. When someone buys your work, you get how much they bought it doubled) • Profiles (See website/discuss forum for info) • TTID • And more! If you have an idea, feel free to comment it! Bank studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4667088/