Oceans and Moutains. (WCRP)
There are two clans, Oceanclan, who are skilled swimmers, and Moutainclan, who are excellent climbers. --------------------------------------------- Bio: Name: Age: Personality: Looks: Gender: Clan: Rank: Other: ---------------------------------------------- NEWS: Gathering: Friday. Season: Leaf-fall, a few moons away from leaf-bare... --------------------------------------------- Oceanclan: Leader: Oceanstar (T) @Apples234 Deputy: Wavefur (S) @o0OFawnO0o Med Cat: Splashfrost (S) @Feathercandraw MCA: Warriors: Skyfeather (S) @TypicalJubilee Ravenfeather (S) @Xx_Raven_X Apprentices: Kits: Queens: Elders: ---------------------------------------------- Moutainclan: Leader: Moutainstar (S) @o0OFawnO0o Delputy: Freezedrift (T) @Riddliculous Med Cat: Swiftstreak (S) @o0OFawnO0o MCA: Warriors: Juniperberry (S) @halpinm3 Apprentices: Kits: Fallkit (S) & Icekit (T) @Riddliculuos Queens: Frostheart (S) @Feathercandraw Elders: ---------------------------------------------- Rouges & Loners: Kittypets: ---------------------------------------------- Terriotory: Oceanclan camp is at a beach sheltered she a cliff. There is many Twolegs during day so they mostly go out of camp at night. Moutainclan is across the Stright-River (Aka thunderpath, Aka road) and where there are many moutains. Their camp is carved into the side of a mountain. ---------------------------------------------- PREY: Moutainclan: Birds, wild pigs (teamed up on, at least 3-4 cats per pig), and a rare chance of rabbit. Oceanclan: Fish, seagulls and sometimes left over food twolegs leave. ----------------------------------------------


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