So sorry I have not been here to update so I will do so now! PLEASE LOOK GATHERING ON DECEMBER 4, 2017!!!!! NEWS! ........................................ DEPUTIES BECOME MANAGERS. AS YOUR CLAN LEADER IM ASKING YOU CAN YOU CATS PLEASE CREATE A CAT BECAUSE I WOULD BE VERY HAPPY!!! Managers, DO NOT TURN OFF COMMENTING BECAUSE WE WILL BE USING IT!!!!! No other stuff!!!! To be a curator follow these steps if I didn't invite you. You can do this even if I did invite you for fun. Step 1: Ask to be a curator on either the commete tab OR ask me on my profile. Step 2 : I will invite you to be in the studio. Note : YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THE THUMBNAIL!!!!!!! I am sorry but I like it. If you want to change the thumbnail then ask me. But it also has to be a cat. ( A realistic cat). Step 3: Have fun and don't add inappropriate stuff or you will be kicked out. Step 4 : Create your own cat by: A) doing a project naming the cat, its color, kit name, apprentice name,warrior name,(not the Clan because the Clan is Rainclan) parents( parents can be real or made up.),friends and, siblings. B)type in a comment describing your cat. I WILL DO THE LEADER IN THE COMMENT SECTION. Clan Members: Dawnstar: Leader @S10063850 female Nightflower: Warrior Tom?@Nightflower777 Stormbreze:Deputy tom?@warriorpokemondragon Kits: Cherrypaw and Forestpaw becomes elder Willowshine: Warrior female @CatScratch78 Firelight: Warrior female@HarryPotterFan567 deputy Snowstorm: med cat @S10063850 female If you have any questions ask, @S10063850