THIS IS A LOTR AND HOBBIT RP AND YOU PICK UPTO THREE PEOPLE FROM THE LIST AND MAY USE OC'S SO HAPPY RP'ING. BTW I GET EXCLUSION FROM RUKLES The Lord of the Rings Characters: Aragorn- @RenacentACE743 Legolas: Gimli- Frodo Baggins- Samwise Gamgee- Meriadoc Brandybuck- Peregrin Took- Haldir- Celeborn- Lady Galadriel- Lord Elrond- @RenacentACE743 Arwen- Boromir- Faramir- Eowyn- King Theoden- Gandalf the Grey/White- Saruman the White- Lord Denethor- Sauron- @RenacentACE743 Rosie Cotton- Witch King of Angmar- @RenacentACE743 Gollum/Smeagol- Hama- Haleth (Son of Hama)- Gamling- Grima Wormtongue - Eomer- Treebeard- The Mouth of Sauron- Goldberry- Tom Bombadil- King of the Dead- Elledan and Elrohir- Arathorn- Lurtz- Shagrat- Shelob- Shadowfax- The Hobbit Characters: Dwalin- Balin- Kili- Tauriel- Fili- Dori- Nori- Ori- Oin- Gloin- Bifur- Bofur- Bombur- Thorin Oakenshield- Bilbo Baggins- King Thranduil- Azog the Defiler- Bolg- Dain- Bard- Lindir- Bain- Sigird- Tilda- Percy- Alfrid- The Master- Tom- Bert- William- Beorn- Smaug- The Necromancer- Radagast the Brown- Lord of the Eagles- The Goblin King- Thror- Thrain- OC BIO: NAME//GENDER//RACE//AGE// CRUSH/BF/GF(OPTIONAL)//LOOK//PERSONALITY//??.


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