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There have always been those that are different from others. The individuals that have flaws that others are sickened by. They are called disgusting and gruesome, but we have learned to instead tolerate and even cherish these "terrible" deformities. Our minds are no less twisted than our bodies. Driven insane by our horrific experiences, we long for the sweet taste of death on our tongues, the rush of blood beneath our claws as we mutilate our opponents. Finally, we have come together. Those that are different, or minds and bodies more gruesome than others. We skulk in the shadows of the city alleyways, establishing a hierarchy and forming a deadly army. Now we are the ones superior to others, and we are utterly dominant over out enemies. Because we are the Impure. - Name (Rogue Names) || Gender || Rank || Sexuality || Crush || Mate || Kits || Looks || Personality || Strengths || Weaknesses || Other - ~Please accept the curator request I send you if you make a character - all role-players must be curators. ~Your cat must have some physical deformity! Describe it in their looks. ~Use proper spelling and grammar when role-playing. ~Be respectful of all role-players unless you are being rude to them in-character. ~Maximum of three characters per role-player. ~Don't make Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus, they're boring and nobody wants to role-play with them. Leader (Head of the Impure, highly respected and followed): ~Thera, Female Ambassador (Second-in-command): ~Fiji, Female Death-Bringers (The bulk of the group, warriors and hunters): ~Bellatrix, Female ~Quixx, Male ~Seige, Male Trainees (Cats older than three moons, in training to be death-bringers): ~Brier, Male (Mentor TBD) Mothers (She-cats expecting or nursing kits): ~Vess, Female Kits (Cats younger than three moons, will be killed off if leader deems them unworthy - most kits will be killed unless born with deformities): ~Pure, Female Seniors (Elders, usually killed off but sometimes kept alive is they were highly respected): Prisoners (Other cats captured by the Impure, tortured and usually killed):


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