Wood Clan Studio-Warrior cats
This is a clan called Wood clan. You can add any game that is related to warriors. You can also adopt a warrior cat. The cats are down below. When you find a cat put your username below it. Leader: Smokestar(tom) Stormwhisker Deputy: Owlfoot(Tom) Warriors: Mousetail(she-cat) Firefoot(tom) Spiderpelt(tom) Runningtail(tom) Sandpelt(she-cat) firestar8 Deerpelt(tom) Apprentices: Graypaw(tom) Tawnypaw(she-cat) Skypaw(she-cat) Fernpaw(she-cat) Mousepaw(she-cat Brackenpaw(tom) Heatherpaw(she-cat) Frostpaw(she-cat) Spiritpaw(she-cat) MinecraftChick2005 Sugarpaw(she-cat) Stonepaw(tom) Stormpaw(tom) Cedarpaw(tom) Queens: Cloudbreeze(she-cat) Milkfur(she-cat) Milkfur101 Lillystem(she-cat) Sorreltail(she-cat) Specklepelt(she-cat) Milkfur101 Medicine cat: Streamflower(she-cat) lisalin22504 Elders: Mosswing(tom) Kits: Featherkit(she-cat) warriorcat116



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