we <3 mlp
The picture is a photo of my toy , princess twilight sparkle :3 HOW TO JOIN : to join ask and to be a manager u need to ask , that simple MLP NEWS : none today , come back later ~ emma ( if u have mlp news tell me plz! :3 ) NOTES : ( tell me a note u have and i will add it , read below for notes ) ~ my name is emma just so u know from : walkingdead909_cat to : curators and follwers STUFF WE DO IN THIS STUDIO : ~ every now and then we have a contest , to see who owns the most mlp stuff :3 ~ sometimes we have a mlp drawing contest ~ once in a while we have a mlp party ( in 3 days there will be 1 ) ~ we have mlp CC&#39;S often ~ sometimes we have mlp trades ( tell me if u have any ideas for other stuff we can do , every now and then :3 ) RULES : ~ do not be mean ~ respect ~ ( gore is allowed when u RPG or in a contest ) just dont over do it :3 ~ only me , emma sets the party and makes the contests , but u can add CCS HAVE FUN!!!! C: