Clicker Games
Welcome to the original Clicker Games! PLEASE DON'T ADD UNRELATED PROJECTS!!! Studio created by @cs633521!!! Curator Spots: Closed Manager Spots: Closed What is a clicker game? A clicker game is a project (or game, of course) where you click an object and gain points using a variable. If you are not making a cloud clicker game, you want to also use the set variable so when the person clicks the green flag, the score will reset. Please do not add irrelevant projects! First you will receive a warning, then you will be removed! If you want your project added, please send a link in the comments. Scroll down in the description to see the rules and regulations Banned: @SocietySwagger @THESPEEDSTERFLASH @Ninja12001 @lilygot @Footballman1000 @AndCompany @timeo42 @Ultra_ken @MT51000 Rules and Regulations: Spamming: Ban Hacking: Ban Asking to be Manager Constantly: Ban Irrelevant Projects: Straight-Up Ban Being Rude: Ban Advertising your studio (Except if already advertised) : Ban Saying you are a hacker: Ban Trolling: Ban Check this project out. It tells you everything you need to know about Clicker Games: -Managers of Clicker Games Manager Messages: If you add unrelated projects, I'll give ya a one way ticket outta here :) @cs633521 I am your knew leader! xP @ninjapuppies Please don’t advertise on this studio and only leave links if it is for a clicker game! Thank you :* @Kobi4 I am removing a couple of unrelated projects, remember to not add them here! @sushi10000 Hello! I am newest manager. Have fun! Goals: Project Goal: 400 Comments Goal: 1700 Followers Goal: 950 Managers: Managers are expected to be active and proactive with the studio. They are expected to be active with comments and adding curators. Managers may edit the description only if it makes sense. Managers may always add curators, but never promote anybody without @cs633521's permission. They may say anything they want above in Manager Messages. Also, you must be following the other managers and the studio. We have manager quotes below and manager messages above. Managers: @cs633521 Former Managers: @cs623239 @IronMan-X @tacky15 @nidav000 @alyekanin17 @AquaDog89 @CashmereBoo @-Galaxydust- @pianogirl84 @Primeo @-Ziro- @jackel181 @ninjapuppies @-CyberArtist- @Kobi4 @itspaavo @sushi10000 @Farenhite Thumbnail thanks to @LazerGamer514 & @cs633512 Studio created: 3/25/17