Weather, Zodiacs, Week, and other's RP studio
Hey guys, if you've gotten my messages, then you will know this is the studio I was talking about. I made this studio because of all the cluster of RP accounts, they have to STOP, it's just too overwhelming for Scratch, and it's causing problems, so this studio was made. Instead of making accounts based on a subject, we can use this studio and sign up Characters, it's more organized and it puts a lot less stress on people in the Scratch Community. ----------------- Weather(s) ----------------- @Cold_Cloudy @BoldBlizzard @ShamelessRainbow @Sweet_Sun @Strong_Storm ----------------- Direction(s) ----------------- @North-Is-Rude @West-is-Awesome ( Now: @MischievousWest ) @SportyEast @Silly_East @NorthwestMaiden @AstuteSoutheast ----------------- Days of week ------------------ @QuietMonday @EnthusiasticFriday @SarcasticSunday @CalmWednesday ----------------- The Zodiacs ------------------ @-ZodiacMother- @FriendlyLeo @SadSagittarius @SweetTaurus @NicoleFires ----------------- The Birthstone(s): ------------------ @-GentleAquamarine- @Lovely_Diamond @Alexandrite_Pearl ----------------- Solar System: ------------------ @ShySaturn @MoodyNeptune ----------------- Sports: ------------------ @Noisy_Tennis @Anxious_Fencer @Silent_Runner @Quiet_Golfer @Happy_Skater & ( Twin ) @Happy_Skater @Silly_Basketballer @Bold_Baseball @Excited_Archer @Peppy_Minigolfer @Happy_Swimmer ----------------- Feelings: ------------------ @Happy_and_Helpful @Calm_and_Tranquil @Angry_and_Moody @Sad_and_Scared @Brave_and_Kind ----------------- Minerals: ------------------ @Diamond_Child_QQA @Ethereal_Obsidian @Obscure_Obsidian


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