_-Warriors Fan Club-_
Hello there! i'm doing a warriors cats fan club! make sure to sign up for rp (role play) groups! Here's a list of things you need for a sign up! I will accept RP warriors sign up. ONLY i can accept it! You cant make your own clan without permission! Sorry Only i Can accept rp invites bio thing AKA UNDYNE55 2 cats per person!!! if a project has something with cats in it or a remix this, add it!! 1. Name 2.Clan(if in a clan) 1/2. Gender 3.Ranking (like leader or a warrior or an apprentice and stuff like that) 4.What you look like 5.Personality 6.Mate 7.Crush 8.Say TOTO if you made it this far!! You may make your own clan with permission RP GROUPS ARE ANYTIME SOMEONE WANTS TO RP, Make sure to sign up! Thank you everyone! see the rules down below RULES- -Be kind -No Swearing -Some stuff might be disturbing for younger viewers, so if its disturbing, i would not recommend rping with that person anymore -No stealing people names and saying i'm this person without asking them -HAVE FUN!!!! -1/2 invite people please CLANS: SassafrasClan: Leader:WildFire(F)-@Wildfire Deputy: Medicine: Warriors: Apprentices: Elders: Queens: Kits: StreamClan: Leader: Deputy: Medicine: Warriors: Apprentices: Queens: Elders: Kits: WindClan: Leader::FeatherStar- @Soloughlin (F) Deputy:None Medicine:Toto (M)- @Undyne55 Warriors: Tealstrike (F)- @EAR2121 Feathersky (F)- @Scourgestar456 SquirrelHeart (F) - @MM11018 Apprentices:None Queens:None Elders:None Kits: SnowClan: Leader: FrostStar (F) - @Undyne55 (me) Deputy: Moonshade (F)- @ditto678 Medicine: None Warriors: Thornpelt (M)- @pandacupcake123 Apprentices:None Queens:None Elders:None Kits: Flurrykit (F): @T1Dwarriors ROUGES: Darkoak (F) - @MM11018 Windclan news- Needs more Male cats! The ratio is currently: 1:4 Snowclan news- Thornpelt joined! Streamclan news- Needs more cats! Sassafrasclan News- Needs more cats! Rouges news- Needs more cats!