The Pun/Joke Studio
Put some puns and jokes here! You do NOT need to tell a pun/joke to join this studio all you have to do is ask. -@Cubey_21 Jokes/Puns: What does a Ghost say on 12/31? Happy New Fear!/Happy boo year!/Happy boo fear! -@Yorkie_Universe What food does a ghost like? Ice Scream! - @Ibtehaz45 Person 1: Knock knock Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Dr. Person 2: Dr. Who? Person 1: Correct. - @Molfiewowles What birds likes vegetables the most? Corn-nary's! -@Someanin Someone came to my door asking for a donation to the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water. -@Iron_Man360 Bilbo Baggins: I started walking around without any shoes, and it became sort of a hobbit. -@raineoden This deMEANs the AVERAGE pun! (lel xD math puns) -@chocolatemeepgirl