You can only edit the description pass the "Bad Jokes" Line. And yes, you can put in Projects! BUT It HAS too be about jokes and puns! Also you can invite as much managers as you want! ITS MAKE A PUN OR BE MADE A PUN, THATS THE QUESTION. Pun / Joke Count = 504 Goals +30+ Complete!! +90+ Complete!! +150+ Complete!! +200+ Complete!! +500+ Complete!! -700- -1000- < Hit By 2020!? : Puns / Jokes : ________________________ Scooter : Where's the money? Scratch : What money? Scooter : they say that PEN-ny things are here! Scratch : Um.. Scooter : You also said this was a CENT-er! ( Money puns ) @scootersmile Pokemon should be renamed to Punnymon. ( Pokemon Pun ) @FloppyBop These are some of the PUNNIEST jokes ever! Maybe i should stop, they are not making me PUNNIER... At least i know i'm sort of PUNNY! Well if you don't like this, Than your no PUN! ( Pun Puns ) @scootersmile Falco : Fox, You look exhausted, Why don't you have some coffee? Fox : No thanks, It makes me too "Peppy" ( Star Fox joke ) @AAlanScratch Good EEVEEning, Gentlemen. Wow, That pun was ONIXpected. I cannot BAYLEAF this! I am being a SLOWPOKE about these puns. I'm still SEAKING some puns, Anyone have any? Just Remember, There's no SHAYMIN liking Pokemon! ( Pokemon Puns ) @lightning81 What did the cow say to the moving van? "Its mooooooooooooooving day!" ( Cow Joke ) @FloppyBop What do you call a chicken that crosses a road without looking for cars? dead. ( Chicken Joke ) @xXfireclanXx Knock Knock. Who's there? Interrupting Waluigi. Interrupting W- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! ( Waluigi Joke ) @AAlanScratch