MWDP Model UN - From the Beginning

» Current Phase ~ I - Beginnings
> None! <
» How to start a country ~
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--» Must be located at river, lake, or coast (will change at phase 2)
--» Specify economic specialty
--» Specify national goal
--» Specify religion
--» Make it small! (Empires/larger nations come in phase 2!)
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» You can have up to *3* separate countries!
» Don't get attached to your nations! This is all about storytelling ~
» NPC nations will show up often! These will be ran by moderators.
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» You're not invincible! Make this fun for everybody.
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» Goods have yet to be made!
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Development costs
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» Social movement: 0.1
» Tiny Development: 0.25
» Minor Development: 0.3
» Moderate Development: 0.5
» Major development: 1
» groundbreaking development: 2
------------------------------point system!--
Enlightenment points:
there are five classes of developments
-social movement: teeny tiny start which will generate a minor social development in another full day, or a major development in 2 days.
-tiny development: little influence, does barely anything. can, maybe, up production of one good by 25%, or do one restructuring action government-wise.
-minor development: has a 100% chance of upping the production of a good by 10%.
-moderate development: can restructure your government moderately(meaning a few people change around or you lay the groundwork for a total government shift), and can up production of a good by 25%
-major development: can totally restructure your government outside of timed elections or such(no flag change though), and can up production of a single good by 35%
-groundbreaking development: can radically reform your government, and can up production of a good by 50%