A 10 alarm blaze (fire), a 5-7 minute drive from MIT
---------------------------------------- THE FIRE WAS REPORTED AS CONTAINED ---------------------------------------- ONLY ADD PROJECTS RELATED TO THE FIRE ---------------------------------------- IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CURATE AND WEREN'T INVITED, THEN ASK IN THE STUDIOS COMMENTS AND YOU'LL BE INVITED. ---------------------------------------- Only a 5-7 minute and 0.8 mile drive (according to Google Maps) away from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) where Scratch was founded, its servers are located and a few of the Scratch Team members work, a building caught fire. The fire is at Berkshire Street and York Street near Kendall Square in Cambridge, MA (the town MIT is in). The fire is a 10 alarm blaze and has burned 9 buildings. Hopefully MIT and anyone effected by the fire are ok. The image of the studio is from a Boston Globe news article, and is of the fire. For more info on the fire, and also the source of the studios image, go to: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/12/03/firefighters-battle-five-alarm-blaze-cambridge/hUZTH51NSweZhDSUuOb5nL/story.html Google news search about the fire (Refresh the page at the link to see if any new news stories have been written or found by Google news about the fire): https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cambridge+ma+fire&tbm=nws&tbs=qdr:d


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