Border Studio BBWCRP (A WCRP)
This studio can be used for hunting patrols, training apprentices, gathering herbs, as much it can be used for border patrols. I just called it the Border Studio to be quicker.
Borders ~
OrchidClan and BluebellClan border
BriarClan and BluebellClan border
(BluebellClan is basically in the middle of OrchidClan and BriarClan, so those two clans will not engage with each other. But BluebellClan could engage with each clan.)
OrchidClan Landmarks
⯆ The Orchid Gorge (OrchidClan Camp)
⯆ The Weeping Willow (The tallest tree that is inside of the territory, and almost as beautiful as the orchid flowers)
⯆ The River (This river borders OrchidClan and BluebellClan)
⯆ The Orchid Orchard (Yards of forests with orchid flowers)
BluebellClan Landmarks
⯆ The Crystal Cavern (BluebellClan Camp)
⯆ The Crystalized Falls (The longest and only waterfall on the territory. It also covers the entrance of the camp)
⯆ The River (This river borders OrchidClan and BluebellClan)
⯆ The Blazing Peaks (Very tall mountains that surround the back of the camp. Way too tall to climb.)
⯆ The Used to Be River. (A river that dried out from beaver dams, the beavers are no longer alive but the dam is. This landmarks borders BluebellClan and BriarClan)
BriarClan Landmarks
⯆ The tallest Peak (BriarClan camp)
⯆ The Simmering Peaks (Very tall mountains, where BriarClan cats hunt and patrol)
⯆ Miles of Pines (The ground that is not covered by mountains, are an evergreen pine forest.)
⯆ The Used to Be River. (A river that dried out from beaver dams, the beavers are no longer alive but the dam is. This landmarks borders BluebellClan and BriarClan)
⯎ Rules ⯎
⯆ Please be nice in the comments and respect everybody.
⯆ You can only have 2 cats at a time, but those 2 cats cannot interact with each other at all, or be in the same clan.
⯆ Please do not use curse words or slurs even if they apply to you. This is a safe place and a kid's website guys! You may use the terms they use in the books, for example; Mouse-brain, fox-heart, mouse-heart, etc.
⯆ Please ask for perms with person your rping with.
⯆ Have fun and contact me if you have any concerns. I made this account so I won't get spam on my original acc, which I will not tell you what it is called because that is my choice to share. I will check this account daily, and if I am unable to, then my right-hand person will!
⯎ Quick Links ⯎
⯎ OrchidClan Studio ⯎
⯎ BluebellClan Studio ⯎
⯎ BriarClan Studio ⯎
⯎ Application Studio ⯎
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