#HuntTheHacker RELOADED
Guys help find information and other helpful stuff to ban ctr_ll!! hes very bad!!!!!!! hacked: Slogoman, Vikstar123, and other youtubers! 011000110111010001110010010111110110110001101100 stands for his name, ctr_ll POST ALL INFORMATION YOU FIND IN THE COMMENTS link to his scratch acount: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ctr_ll/ also i randomly noticed, if u take his name, ctr_ll and takeaway the c........ it becomes tr_ll.... and he wears a troll mask this hacker also posted this link somewhere..... i dont exactly know what it is... thesourceisalie.com and also if u look at the link it's (the source is a lie) website that is really weird and seams to be just a game :/ http://remote.ctr-ll.net/


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