- Mages of Asali - Rp Lore and Rules

Ignore unwanted invites please!!
Thousands of years ago, when people first started exploring the island- five explorers stumbled upon a magical rock hidden deep in a cave within the mountains of the island. They all touched the stone and were blessed with magical powers that corresponded with a different element.
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and the Mind
The five were given the title of Mages and they were all extremely happy with the powers, but they were unable to leave the island as their souls were now bound to the stone.
Unable to leave, they decided to settle and they divided the island into five parts, which were named Domains. The five original Mages were able to give their parts magic to their fellow explorers and the other people that traveled to settle on the island, because of this they declared themselves the rulers, kings/queens, of their respective Domains.
As the original Mages had children and their children had children, the powers within them grew and expanded giving the royal bloodline a special power.
The Water Royal family could now control blood as well.
The Wind; lightning.
The Earth; animals
The Fire; Ice
The Mind; light
The Domains lived in harmony for many, many generations, slowly growing and building their kingdoms using their powers to help.
Though the peace wouldn’t last forever- eventually the Fire and Mind Domain would get into an argument over a piece of land between the two domains.
The Fire Domain would react first- sending their army into the Mind domain silently during the night. Taken by surprise the Mind Kingdom surrendered.
Right after this the Mind Royal family was assassinated and the Fire Domain’s army stormed the streets- causing all for the Mind Mages to flee into the other kingdoms.
This angered the stone that gave the original explorer their powers, so it took the Fire Royal family’s special powers and weakened the normal fire powers so they couldn’t do that again.
That event happened about hundred years ago and now the Domains are living in harmony again.
Although the Mind Mages never returned to their original domain- the Fire domain still controlling that area- causing the Mind Mages to still live scattered around the island.
-<Announcements/Other Info>-
Feel free to ask questions if you are confused- I’m kinda bad at explained stuff ^^
‘Hybrid’ Mages are a thing- they would just have a weaker version of both the powers of their parents.
Extra info on Mind Mages, they can manipulate memories and dreams. Create hologram like hallucination things. And mild mind control- royals have a stronger version of this
> No overpowered characters
< No discrimination. Be kind.
> Don’t roleplay till you are accepted
< This is a medieval-like role play, so no modern items. They do have electricity/lights though
> Two Royal character per person
< Unlimited characters but just keep track of them all
> Normal medieval jobs/ranks (look them up if you need ^^ or ask)
< Normal scratch guidelines apply
> Keep it pg-13
< Ask before romancing or injuring/ki||ing another person’s character
> Codeword is ‘bioluminescence’ - hide it in a sentence
< A mage doesn’t have to live in the domain rules by their mage type
> Two hybrid mage per person
< Un-realistic appearance are allowed but don't go to crazy with them.
-<Roleplay Project>-
-<Domain Information Studios>-
>Water: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34954229
<Fire: In progress
>Wind: in progress
<Earth: in progress