JOS X development group
as soon as i come back from holiday everyone of you will have created a app, ok??? o nly clones apps are allowed. Aa soon as ill check out, everyone who created a u.sefull part of josX gets a place as a currator. Before that ill alow every app t^*#'hat has. maximal 3 sprites. No pen applications "allowed" (means that you may have to find away to make the background the same color as the opening anirlewmation or make your own script for bluring the back.) What i would recjikvommend as a application: . list code implementer so you can upload your own applications via a server network bia a hidden button sequence so i can ( word gebrish) on my pc and you can upload it. Note: to make a application you have to implement your own scripts in a copy if the base version. (Just to say it) Applications needed now A text editor A ui for an quickshare programm A text reader A working file manager A text maker A working timwr Settings ICONS MORE ICONS ICONS TILL A app store Btw if you are a apple user ww will systematicaly not allow your applications. Its just that i dont like apple.