Security IO
- Purpose
- Request
- Rules
- How to become Curator/Manager
- Credits
This studio is for the progress of my project Security io. I am making this studio because I am planning to make an online version and story. Another reason is that I am very committed to this project. I also REALLY need your guys' feedback.
- Find bugs/be a bug hunter
- Tool ideas
- TN
Rules for Manager and Curator:
- Don't delete anything
- Don't be mean
- Do not give any information about Security io if you are not sure it is true
- Do not add anything unless given permission
- Don't invite anyone without permission
- DO NOT promote people
- Do not advertise on the studio or project
I will know if you break these...
To become Curator:
- Be part of my project somehow (Like suggesting a code or setting and I include it in the project.)
- Always be suggesting ideas
- Finding bugs
- Being active
To become Manager:
- Be part of a major update (Like suggesting a new feature and I accept it.)
- Game testing when needed
- Fixing and/or finding bugs
- Giving great feedback after every update
- Being active
- Follow rules
Note - I you have to do all of them, just most.
I will do a quick background check before adding/premoting you.
@kkhtr - Coding the enemy tips (MAJOR)
@UniLilly123 - Game testing, Shop and Equip Idea, Code ideas
@monfif - Scary Setting, testing, motivation
@ShadowVamp4 - Studio TN, Enemy Info Book