~Mystery of the Tides RP - Main Page ~

Many people live on the island of Quiki.
(Pronounced Kiwi) There are four villages, each with beautiful beaches, but every year during the summer for a couple of weeks in the village of Sukario, some people go missing. No one knows what happens to them, they just... disappear into what seems like thin air. It's up to you to discover what is happening to everyone, but the Royals don't want that. They try to stop them from going, but people still go. One day the youngest daughter goes missing and the Royal family has asked YOU to try to find her. Will you find her? Or
will you fail completely?
- Please be kind to everyone, if you aren't you will be warned 3 times and then banned from this RP
- Hate the OC, not the scratcher
- No stealing characters or using them without permission
- No unrelated projects
- No advertising or spam
- Don't beg to be a manager, if you do you likely won't become one
- If you would like to be a curator don't spam on the curator's profile, just simply ask
Fruit seller
shop owner
Knight to Royals
Coffee seller
Surfing instructor
Tourist guide
Rock climber
Sukario (Suke-aree-oh) - Popular for tropical fruits (e.g. mangos, pineapples, bananas, etc.) and for missing children each year
Hiora (Hi-oh-ra) - Popular for amazing architecture, rainfall, and farming
Pewler (Pel-where) - Popular for hikes, mountains, trails, etc., and coffee
Lokijo (Lock-ejo) - Popular for the amazing food and music
White sand beach - 8 miles from the village of Sukario, 12 miles from Hiora, 13 miles from Pewler, and 16 miles from Lokijo. Popular for its white sand and steep cliffs
Homono - 12 miles from Sukario, 15 miles from Hiora, 14 miles from Pewler, and 10 miles from Lokijo. Popular for its coral reefs and sea creatures
Bolia - 16 miles from Sukario, 14 miles from Hiora, 11 miles from Pewler and 12 miles from Lokijo. Popular for its big waves, rocks, and seashells
Miqa - 15 miles from Sukario, 9 miles from Hiora, 7 miles from Pewler, and 13 miles from Lokijo. Popular for its amazing views and sunsets
(I'm only letting a handful of people have powers, sorry!)
Water bending
Water manipulation
Growing plants
Light manipulation
Animal shapeshifting (only 5 animals please!)
Powers Backstory:
Long long ago, on this exact island, the people believed in a Sun and Moon goddess, one very poor family had an only child, and he was born with 6 magical powers that the Sun goddess, Shimmer, had granted him. He got married and when he had two children, two of his powers disappeared. But his children had those powers. This went on for a while until the entire island people had had magic. But one day the Moon goddess, Luna, was sick of everyone having magic, so she took the powers away, leaving only a couple of people with magical powers
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