Faith HQ
Hullo, Welcome to Faith HQ, where people of all faiths, religions, and belief's can talk together! Please Do: ✬Talk about your faith! ✬And ask others questions about theirs! ✬Welcome everybody who joins, even if their belifes differ from your own ✬Ask for prayer or help if you need it. ✬Message me (@CreativeCoding2007) if you have any concerns or issues with any part of the studio. I'd absolutley love to hear your feedback. :) Please Don't: ✬Tell somebody their belifes are wrong, or try to 'correct' them. You are allowed to disagree, but please do so respectfully. ✬Try to convert others to your religion. That's not what this studio is about, don't do it. ✬Post toxic comments or replys ✬Post about contreversial or innapproptiate topics. ✬Break any of the community guidelines. (Causing problems will result in you being removed from the studio) Don't respond to: (This list indicates that these people cause problems, and are not welcome in the studio. Please do not reply to their comments or replies.) Religious Studios: Christian Studio: Atheist Studio: Jewish Studio: (More to come soon, please be patient!)