A sega Christmas!
This is for all the sonic characters here on scratch who celebrate Christmas! And It is also a rp and a hangout/chat studio. If you want to join just say CHRISTMAS EGGNOG on my profile and I will Send you a curator invite. Also Up to 3 people can Have the same rp character! Rp: Sonic: @SonicTheHedgester And @sonic12345678913 Tails: @Blue_Storm2020 Knuckles: @cs2154518 And @KnuxDaEchidna Amy: @MilesTailsPrower87 Silver: @JKWaWho Blaze: @IDW-Blaze_ Shadow: @tbnrjosh00095555 Rouge: @XxLemon_MochixX_ omega: @masonmania Big and froggy: @SonicTheHedgester Vanilla: Cream and cheese: @TDCream Espio: @SonicTheHedgester Charmy: Vector: Others: Eggman: @DrR0b0tn1k Metal sonic: @Metal_sonic-1 Sage: @TailstheTechnician Infinite: @_-Infinite-Prime-_ and @Metal_sonic-1 Orbot: @habio121 Cubot: Ocs: Spider-Shadow: @spider-shadow Gavin the Hedgehog: @soniciscool14367 Drax the Hedgehog: @DraxGamerX Queen mephiles/Genderbent mephiles: @QUEENMEPHILES Tails doll: @wolfsonic123 Bolt the hedgehog: @cs2437981 Wildflower: @BarryDoezAesthentics mathew: @sonic12345678913 Alexis: @Alexis_FNFfan746_ALT Snow the cat: @PokemonLovr Couples: Infinite and rouge: @_-Infinite-Prime-_ and @Xxlemon_MochixX_