HI SO Me and my bestie @-Spookezz- decided to host a RP studio together so wELCOME TO THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUSSSSSS!!1!
((I know these are the same rules from my past RP Studios I'm lazy☠️☠️))
1: Be nice! Don't be mean, Racist, Homophobic, N$FW, or anything fitting basic DNI criteria. And Caine says swearing isn't allowed /hj BUT if you HAVE to put a swear somewhere, it should look like this: "$!@#!"
2: You can be up to 2 canon characters and as many OC's as you want! Multiple people can be a certain character as well ((Because I'm stealing a few of the characters and that isn't fair /j)), but if someone is already your character in a RP, don't go in there. Make your own RP instead, RP as someone else, or make an OC!
3: Anybody can RP with anyone, if you want to do that, just say ORP (Meaning Open Roleplay), if you want to RP with a specific person, just say CRP (Meaning Closed Roleplay) with @InsertUsernameHere
4: If you wanna be invited, ask me! Just don't ask to be added if you aren't going to RP! Only roleplayers may join, please don't ask to be a manager either!
6: Hate the character, not the person!
7: Only me and @-Spookezz- may accept characters and OC's. I'll try to respond to everyone as quickly as possible!
8: PLEASE no adding projects unless the owners allow it, most of them are offtopic or advertisements :(
9: If you would like to make a new OC it now has to go in the studio linked farther down. We will not accept any more OC forms in this studio anymore. You may still ask for canon characters here though! :D
Caine ((CLOSED)): @iceyblueundertale @GlacieFur135 @Inexplicably_Amazing @The_Official_Caine @LittleSkyguy @AP8447 @Sonicc101 @VomPlayzScratch_1 @Pete_XD @-_-Caine-_- @-JaxFromTheCircus-- @Caine_The-Ringmaster @-GaIaxy_cat- @CaineFromTheCircus
Pomni ((CLOSED)): @-spookezz- @Dani-foru @-C-L_O-U_D- @P0MNII_N0T_F0UND @AB20225C @slyxxie- @Demon_Demigirl @SailorScoutEllie @ILoveDoritos87 @skylighy_greeny @therealUGG_goose @Snow_Foxy13 @-Pomni-TADC-
Jax ((CLOSED)): @iceyblueundertale @slnister @LeStrawberryTeaBoy @Bearguy4550 @LaYsa_RANDOM123_7_7 @ucenikvalentina10 @_EVERYthing_is_Dumb_ @_--Jax--_ @aliciaw757547 @fandescratchcat @coolman586 @THEAWSOMECODER9 @NoodIecat @FoxWT31
Ragatha ((CLOSED)): @Butterpuggo @k-nii25 @91128770NR @H0L7_M4M1 @P-alphabet-lore @UnderGen19 @Lil_BearCub @BIMMYDAGOAT4 @CatLover_369 @Hola-Flame @KoalaLuver323 @Tuddlez
@AviniRavenhood @-pinksparkle-
Gangle ((CLOSED)): @Butterpuggo @Alex_The_Cartoon @LeStrawberryTeaBoy
@AECupcakecat @TheLaplauncher
@Scott_TD @coolman586 @flabby_Frodo @91128770NR @Lunar_Twind87 @Bready_cat @stealthelf12 @gangle_TheRibbon
Kinger ((CLOSED)): @iceyblueundertale @1ACreativeUsername1 @LuciferTheEddhead @ShimmaLite @Pete_XD @kinger-tadc @Nora_pricey @UnderGen19 @Elliot_puspo_lol @daju34764 @BIMMYDAGOAT4 @WarpedPlumcot @Gemstone2345 @ninjayax
Zooble ((CLOSED)): @TheOfficialZooble @colacancruser @galladethe3rd @freyasauris13 @91128770NR @Breezy_Serenity @Paco2012 @Hola-Flame @Re-Written @AviniRavenhood @Popbunnycool8673 @Al_Radiodemon3412 @stiickbuq
Bubble ((CLOSED)): @steamworksterrahaute @coolgreat1247 @Nora_pricey @BOI-IM-SMART @ILoveDoritos87
@RawTreats @yorFmitsuriKaiH @_RAT_BOY_ @-Starlight_- @-----Bubble---- @TechyBro345 @tailsthefox-cult @AviniRavenhood
Kaufmo ((Before Abstraction)): @iceyblueundertale
Kaufmo ((After Abstraction)): @RealSus_Gus
Gloinks: @RealSus_Gus
@LaSaNgE_in-Thehouse- @RawTreats @starlightgl1mm3r
Gloink Queen: @LuciferTheEddhead
Sun: @Tygosuperstar22 @kirbylove911
Moon: @Peter-Dunbar @noah_moon @Eyewatcher18
@real_moon_tadc @the-xu-tao
Mannequins: @Mannequins @ben_tv @ConihornCoding
Barrel Monkeys:
Air Molecule: @OTGRASanTE345
Princess Loolilalu: @RennaFoxx
Gummigoo ((CLOSED)): @iceyblueundertale @-Starrii_Nights-
@LeStrawberryTeaBoy @Gummi-Goo @-_Flower-_Petals-_ @Chipkitti123 @duck_gotbackup @DemiGoddess_606 @pawggerz_ @originalshadow @zarahbean @Valiant_Blades202 @Al_Radiodemon3412 @Sharkie-Varkie
Max: @iceyblueundertale @ShimmaLite
Chad: @iceyblueundertale @MisterEBeast
The Fudge: @UnnamedIndevidual
Ghostly: @Valiant_Blades202
Baron Theodore Mildenhall ((Before death)):
Baron Theodore Mildenhall ((After death)):
Martha Mildenhall ((Before Death)):
Martha Mildenhall ((After death)):
Angel: @Balluen1
Dr. Football:
Queenie ((Before Abstraction)): @Peter-Dunbar @AuroraTheFandomLover
Queenie ((After Abstraction)):
Jeffrey: @blender2012
Orbsman: @MisterEBeast
OC form//storage studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34178430/comments