for weird people who love warrior cats WeirdoClan Leader: Starstar F Mate: Sideeye @Dahlia_the_Flamesilk Deputy: Ratrat @Nandini-Kapoor Warriors: Hollystripe @_Holly_ReacTs_ Cinderfeather F @13Cinderfeather09 Saltyclaw F @swimteamslays Leafleaf @13Cinderfeather09 Whitewhisker @Nandini-Kapoor Cherryfang @Nandini-Kapoor Lilypad @Nandini-Kapoor Candletail F @-_SilentStar_- Sideeye M Mate: Starstar @Dahlia_the_Flamesilk Qinfeng @13Cinderfeather09 Weirdoweirdo Mate: Weirdweird @Nandini-Kapoor Weirdweird Mate: Weirdoweirdo @Nandini-Kapoor Chickennoodle NB @Swiss-Cheese-Cat Chadface M @ Dahlia_the_Flamesilk / @swimteamslays Med cats: Breezeleaf @Nandini-Kapoor Frogsong GF @froggyforevermore Appledapple @_Holly_ReacTs_ Frenchfry GF @froggyforevermore Fishchips NB @Swiss-Cheese-Cat Apprentices: Nightpaw-Cinderfeather @Nandini-Kapoor Pawpawpaw-Hollystripe @13Cinderfeather09 Cheesepaw-Ratrat @13Cinderfeather09 Candypaw @Nandini-Kapoor Kits: Heartkit @13Cinderfeather09 Furkit @13Cinderfeather09 Duokit NB @Swiss-Cheese-Cat Sadkit @Nandini-Kapoor Doodlekit @13Cinderfeather Chinesekit @13Cinderfeather09 Purplekit @Nandini-Kapoor Rules: 1. be kind 2. hate character not scratcher 3. no adding projects without my permission first 4. don't add cats to your family without asking their owner first 5. c0dw0rd is "weird", hide it well 6. no k1lling other cats without asking their owner first 7. censor your words cuss1ng 9. no op cats 10. have fun 11. follow all rules at all times 12. don't ask to become manager signup form: name// gender// rank// crush// mate// parents//kits// sibilings//other family// looks// personality// codeword// other info GENDER GUIDE M= Male F=Female NB= Non-Binary GF= genderflux i will add more if you tell me what ones to add


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