Squiggle frens(follow them)
Sometimes I forget to update this so don't be mad if ur not here. I won't put banned/deleted/inactive/etc. ppl here but I have more friends than listed here. the projects here are mostly stuff i wanna "bookmark" Furry Squiggle(thumbnail) by @zephyrIoI_ Based off @medude11’s list(idk) https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30795846/ IRL friends: none smh Friends[removed best friends list because uhhhh yes]: @medude11 [My first proper friend on scratch, also really swagger] @kirbyfan767 @Zeph-Animations [zeph1] artist and animator] @Earwax-Studios @Megaberry_ @MexicanArtGuy @RedJay212 @-OSHIN- @Rayutater @fsfellah @cs545534 @zephyrioi_ [zeph2, also very cool @DumpyNerd @Patrixk_134 @PollyOKeefe