
The society controls everything
about your life. Who you marry. What you do. When you die.
A small packet shows up at your door one day…
Rules of the society:
~No staying out past curfew
~No running in public
~ You are matched at 18
~you will marry at 21
~you die at 80
~the society controls how many kids you have
~you wear standard plainclothes
Bio: name//age//borough(neighborhood) //Gender//Looks//job //status// Personality//Crush//children
//Parents//Siblings//Artifact// codeword//Backstory(Optional)// Other
Social statuses:
Aberration-Nothing wrong just low status
Citizen-the average joe
Anomaly-lowest status, you probably have or know someone who broke the law
Official-high rank, the high society is made of officials
Matched statuses:
Matched-going to be matched
Singles-have been chosen to not be matched
Unmatchable-Not allowed to match(usually an aberration or anomaly)
One in game year = 1 real life month
you age up every Friday EST
Codeword: "Don't go gentle into that good night"
An award to @PeggyFlissMakeGames and @Rain-whisper for their star role playing. through out me being gone they have continued and helped to keep the roleplay going. please check them out and remember to follow these amazing people.
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