The Lost Pets - RPG
Welcome to The Lost Pets RPG! (TLP) About: You're a pet, in the pack of other lost pets. We were all separated from our families. We're trying to get back to them. If you don't want your pet anymore, you can say they found their family. Rules: > You can have up to three pets *different species* > No injuring or killing someone's OC without permission from them > You need permission to be someone's mate > You can't copy someone's name > No adding projects un-related to The lost Pets in this studio > Invite only *IMPORTANT* > Unless you make art for your pet, art shall be provided for it > Codeword: Your favorite animal for a pet Species of Pets you can be: > Dog > Cat > Bird > Horse Sign-up form: {} User {} What Species of pet? {} Name {} Age {} Breed {} Gender {} Agree to rules? {} Color of Fur or Feathers {} eye color {} Birthday (of pet) {} Codeword Example form (mine): {} _-Shadow-Wolf-_ {} Dog {} Shadow {} 3 {} German Shepherd {} Female {} Yes {} Black with white paws {} Blue {} April 14th (mine) {} Dog Pets; Doggos: Shadow - @_-Shadow-Wolf-_ Alex - @alfie6569 Jack - @Fritzi3 Night - @NightFlower-101 Teddy - @MrCCoding16 (4/7) Cats: Cherry - @dragon-kid13 Luna - @meowstar (2/3) Birds: (0/2) Horses: Horse - @aesthetic-horsilly (1/8)