Galactic Adventures - Dev. Team
- G A L A C T I C - - A D V E N T U R E S - Coming Soon... Galactic adventures, or ga for short is a space exploration game where you fend off mysterious foes, and rebuild civilization on planets lost to time. You may uncover some unique materials, or dark pasts. The galaxy is waiting, and the adventure is yours. - UPDATE LOG - 0.0.1 - added player collision and input detection scripts 0.0.2 - Added tile stamping engiene 0.0.3 - added weapons and bullets 0.0.4 - added particles and entity outlines 0.0.5 - added saving and loading systems 0.0.6 - added mobile mode 0.0.7 - added settings menu 0.0.8 - added a realtime map 0.0.9 - finished the inventory system 0.1.0 - finished crafting system 0.1.1 - added health system 0.1.2 - started working on enemy scripts