Predator V.S. Sharks Franchise
Latest Version: V1.2.5 [STORY] MISSION: SHARK EXTINCTION You are an Elite Predator. You have the Multi-Blaster Gun that can kill anything from dogs to aliens at once. However, in the year 2104, when your kind comes down to challenge yourselves by producing monstrous serpents and fighting them, you realize that no humans are left for breeding any serpents because sharks attacked them in 2080. So you were sent by the King Predator to destroy all sharks and time travel back to 2022 to do this mission. Good luck! (But why would you need luck when you're an alien with god powers?) Dev Log Below [DEV LOG] V1.0: Sep 07, 2022 V1.1: Dec 11, 2022 V1.1.5: Dec 19, 2022 V1.☆: Dec 21, 2022 V1.2: Jan 2, 2023 V1.2.5: Jan 2, 2023 [VERSION UPDATES] V1.0: Original Version V1.1: Title Screen V1.1.5: Tested Achievements (Played Game + Read Tutorial) V1.☆: Background Update (requested by @Alt-F4ever) V1.2: Plans for Shop + Finish Basic Achievements V1.2.5: Minor big fixes + updates V1.3 (unreleased): BIG UPDATE V1.3.5 (unreleased): ?????