The War of the Ballers and Slicers Roleplay
Welcome to the warzone. Choose your side. Say it in the comments You can make propoganda/games for your side. send it here and a curator or manager will see it, look at it, and maybe add it. DO NOT RAID STUDIOS OF YOUR OPPISTE SIDE. (Such as raiding baller studios as a Slicer or Crusher, etc.) Scratch: If this happens, I do not take any responsiblity. BALLER: High Speed. Low Health. Meduim Damage. Ranged Attacks. SLICER: Meduim Speed, Meduim Health, Meduim Damage. No ranged attacks. Extra damage from behind. CRUSHER: Allied with Slicer. High Damage. Low Speed. High Health. No ranged attacks. PIERCER: Allied with Baller. Low Health, High Damage, Meduim Speed. Most damage overall. 42% chance of missing. Ranged Attacks. RANKS: Overseer: Owner Oversees the group, above the kings Kings: Owner and Managers. GlitchedAmethyst: Slicer King DeveloperTools: Baller King Superbonnie95: Piercer King SquareRoute: Crusher King Generals: Highly Trusted Curators and Managers: kfchikinfiter: Baller General mac_n_cheeseiscool:Crusher General _OPEN_ _OPEN_ Chief Officers:Chosen by Kings and Generals. 8 open spots, 2 per kingdom Officers: Chosen by Chief Officers. Must be inside of the group for atleast 2 weeks (must be following) Senior Solider: Be inside of the group for 1 week Soilder: Pass training (aka follow group) Trainee: Not following group. Do not try to act like a rank you arent. BLACKLISTED: Im_CatmanYT Reason: Removing all managers.