Silent Night Scratch Shop - BoD
Hello! This is the studio for the Silent Night Scratch Shop Board of Directors! - If you are a Board of Directors member and are not curating this studio, shoot me a message through the comments on this studio and I will get back to you! Rules of the Board of Directors: - Must respond to activity checks. Although you are of a higher rank, this does not exclude you from the checks! - BoD members MUST be active. This doesn't mean you have to be active ALL of the time, just often enough to perform your duties as a BoD member. - BoD members must fulfill their role. For example, if you are the secretary, you must call activity checks and check on members of the shop. Here are the roles at the current moment: Owner: programmer204 Has complete control over the entire shop. Can call activity checks. Manager: cs2722201 Can do everything except for closing down the shop. Takes over the owner during an absence. Can hire/fire and can strike. Co-Manager: OPEN Takes over the manager position when the manager is absent. Can do anything except for closing down the shop. Has to make sure that the lower ranks are active and doing their jobs. Can hire/fire and strike. Secretary: among_us1w2 Makes sure employees are doing jobs and can strike. Calls activity checks. Secretary also checks on orders that have not been claimed/completed. Bumper: ProgrammerShopz Very important to keep the shop active. May not bump more than once in 24 hours. Can hire. Helps higher ranks with management.


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