Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Welcome to the studio! I created this for people to be encouraged and reminded that they matter to God. Everyone, no matter what they look like, what they have done, or who they are, is loved by God, and as Christians we should love them too. If you are struggling with depression or thoughts that you don't matter to anyone, PLEASE remember that God created you for a reason. And don't ever forget that. Every person on the face of the earth is fearfully and wonderfully made, and created for a special purpose.
If you don't like that I invited you, you don't have to accept.
Here are a few rules to keep the site friendly:
1. This studio is not a pro life studio. Although I am highly supportive of pro life, this is not what this studio is for.
2.This studio IS for building people up and encouraging them.
3. All mean comments will be reported.
4. Debating will not be allowed here either. I love online debating, but again, that is not why this studio was created.
5. This studio is not necessarily just for Christians, because all people, believers or not, were created in the image of God.
Please try to be as encouraging as possible.