What do you do? In the studio Sandclan, you make up warriors, elders, apprentices, kits, and the deputy. Only one person can make deputy and that person is @Unicornremixer . She will make a deputy name. The person making the medicine cat is @Icesnowrain. Once you see your name with a cat you made only you have the ability to make a project of your cat. You can use the project Thank you @catsanddogs811 for the project. Kin, Crush, Mate, and kits from someone else? Ask me and I will talk to that person if it’s okay. Questions? Ask me and I will answer them by sending you a link. What you need: I need the listed information below Name//Moons//Gender//eye color//rank//body color//personality//Other// Any questions you have//Codeword The codeword is Warrior Cats. Rules 1. No bad words 2. You have the right to fight but no blood. 3. If you wanna kill a cat ask me first. 4. If you need help with names ask me! 5.Remember! The limit of cats made is 10 Leader Sandstar - @Happygirl145 She-cat with vanilla fur and green eyes Deputy Cherryheart - @Unicornremixer She-cat with velvet (orangish) fur with black eyes Med. cat Mistleaf - @Icesnowrain She-cat with gray and white fur with amber eyes Warriors Sundawn - @MadGarJoh She-cat with grey fur and cream(vanilla)eyes Wolfeye - @Thewillowfoc Tom with grey fur with bright yellow eyes Lightfoot - @Shinsus Tom with yellow fur, and white paws with blue eyes and white pupil Starlight - @Darklight-Gaming She-cat with White fur and dark red eyes Kits Sunkit - @Happygirl145 Apprentices Mosspaw - @HaPpYuni89 She-cat with gray and white fur with green eyes Elders Kittypets about to join the clan: Light - @Absol-Darklight She-cat with white fur and a yellow star on forehead and red eyes