Let’s Get Moving

Instrukce | Instructions | Anweisungen | 指示 | Instruções | Cyfarwyddiadau + more https://sip.scratch.mit.edu/scratch-week-activities-2022/#movement
Welcome to the Movement Studio!
Happy first day of Scratch Week! Today we are going to be focusing on movement! What does movement mean to you? Do you have a favorite move or dance? Play sports? Practice yoga? How do you get your body moving? We invite you to make a project or you can share your thoughts and ideas in the comments :D
“Movement” could mean…
- Physical (examples: Dancing, Exercising, Hiking, Swimming)
- Virtual (examples: use video sensing to use your movements to play an instrument or control a game)
- Any kind of activity that involves moving your body
Looking for ideas to get started?
- Share an animation about a type of physical activity!
- Invent a new exercise or workout routine!
- Write about your favorite sport!
- Create a tutorial to teach other people your favorite dance move!
- Design a project that reacts to your movement using the video sensing extension!
- Create an activity that randomly generates different dance styles!
- Design interactive artwork that shows a character in motion!
- Animate the Scratch Cat dancing to your favorite music!
Remember, these are only suggestions! You are welcome to come up with your own ideas as well, or take inspiration from projects already in the studio!
What will you create?
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See these sample projects for extra inspiration:
Dancing trees project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/577856436
2014 Dance Party for Scratch Day: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22104198/
Clean the screen: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12350206/
Freeze Dance: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/652063759
Motion | run & walk cycles: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/442396328/
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Thank you to @deeplikethesea, @YPhilip2006, @carpeediem, @wheelsonfire, @chrisg, and @Call_Me_J_Money for helping make this studio possible!