"Aye, Matey" [] Pirate RP

Thumbnail image from Google. One will be drawn at one point.
The years have flown by like an eagle flies over our heads. It is now 2250.
The ice continues to melt, and the sea level rises, forcing people to leave their homes to flee into the water. They've adapted to living on large ships, eating fish they catch and kelp and seaweed they harvest and clean. All the while trying to find islands for better resources, and maybe even a place to stay for a while.
The only problem is, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of pirate- yes, people have become pirates due to this event- crews all fighting to have all the resources to themselves. Or maybe they can work together to survive? Everything is unpredictable at this point. Your only objective is to last longer than ten years. Good luck.
~ Crew Names ~
(only 18 crewmates per crew, not including the captain)
Morning Glory
Evening Star
Azalea's Rise
~ Crew Roles ~
Captain (Leader of the crew, only one)
Co-Captain (Assists the leader, only one)
Helmsman (The person who steers the ship, up to 2 people for each crew)
Fisherman (Catches fish, either by net, fishing rod, or catching them by hand, up to 3)
Cook (Prepares food, up to 3)
Armorer (In charge of armor and weapons, up to 2)
Lookout (Looks out for islands, shipwrecks, other ships and crews, up to 2)
Helper (Helps all the other crewmates with their roles, up to 5)
~ Captain Bios ~
Name (Captain *insert name*) // Age // Hair style + color // Gender // Sexual Orientation // Physical Looks (include eye color, height, skin color, etc. Be creative and descriptive!) // Personality // Clothing Style/Clothing (include multiple different outfits, if you'd like!) // Pet (optional) // Accessories // Crew // Origin Country // Other (Such as friends, family, backstory, etc.)
~ Crewmate Bios ~
Name // Age // Hair style + color // Gender // Sexual Orientation // Physical Looks // Personality // Clothing Style/Clothing // Pet (optional) // Accessories // Crew // Crew Role // Origin Country // Other
~ Rules ~
-You can come up with new crew names! We need more, you can come up with some. You can contact @Astro-Greenie on her profile to suggest a new crew name. We will credit you for the name.
-Do not k!ll another Scratcher's character without their permission.
-Just because your character is d3ad in one rp, doesn't have to mean they're dead in another.
-Keep romance PG.
-Your character has to be at least 7 years old to be accepted.
-Captains have to be at least 12 years of age, co-captains have to be at least 10 years of age.
-Easy on the blood and gore. Keep violence to PG-13, please.
-You are allowed to RP with people from other crews.
-Please do not control other people's characters.
-I know this is a common line used in RP's, but hate the character, not the Scratcher.
-Make sure you know that the person/people you are roleplaying with is aware that any hurtful words is only part of the roleplay.
-NOTHING OP in the bios please! Nothing like "was altered and given super powers in a lab" or any of that magic stuff. Please, and thank you.
-Tell other people about the RP! More the merrier!
-Only managers are allowed to accept characters. Do not promote anyone else without @Astro-Greenie or @Mochi_the_Bunni's permission.
Breaking a rule gives you a strike. Three strikes, and your character is deleted and you will be kicked from the studio. Anything serious will result in a report.
Have fun in the RP! :D
~ Strikes ~
None yet! Yay! :D
~ Crews ~
~ Credits ~
RP made by @Astro-Greenie and @Mochi_the_Bunni.
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