The Windwings and Shadowwings
STORYLINE-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 2000 years after the Sandwing Succession, scavengers have doubled in size, speak decent dragon, and are equals to dragons, and the land is at peace. Soon after, 2 new tribes, the Windwings and Shadowwings fly to Phyrrhia in need of shelter (scroll down to see Windwings and Shadowwing's powers). These dragons speak a different language, but for some reason, some dragons from Pyrrhia understand them. A Icewing animus, Diamond, who hates scavengers, enslaved the Windwings, forcing them to do whatever he bids. Using the Windwings, he attacked the scavengers, causing the scavengers to be on the brink of war. The Shadowwings now are angry, and want to take revenge on the icewings. What will you do? WINDWING POWERS------------------ Can cause strong winds, sometimes tornadoes with their wings. Have mistbreath (blows mist and blinds enemies temporarily) Lots of stamina for flying. Creates wind with their tail. They look like white skywings, but have a slightly larger wingspan, and a seawing-like white tail SHADOWWINGS POWERS------------- Long-distance flyers in the night, night vision, they can emit darkmist from their mouth, which makes a dragon temporarily faint. Have black tail barbs like sandwings, when scratched with it, the shadowwing can track you for up to a day. They are in shades of black, with purple or gray eyes. their body type looks almost like a sandwing's BIO---------------------------------------- Name || Age || Tribe || Gender || Personality || Power (Can understand windings and shadowwings, Animus) || Work (Citizen, General ect.) || Talents || Backstory (optional) DRAGONS ~~~~~~~~~~Rainwings~~~~~~~~~ King: Queen: Tropical @zodiacdog Prince/Princesses Royal Advisor Generals Soldiers Paradise @ParadiseTheRainwing Citizens: Hydrangea @Bramblestar23 ~~~~~~~~~Mudwings~~~~~~~~~ King: Queen: Prince/Princesses Generals Soldiers Citizens: Lily @unigirl1000 ~~~~~~~~~Skywings~~~~~~~~~ King: Queen: Prince/Princesses Generals Soldiers Citizens: Cirrus @Dashingdiamonds ~~~~~~~~~Seawings~~~~~~~~~ Queen: King: Prince/Princesses Generals Soldiers Citizens: ~~~~~~~~~Icewings~~~~~~~~~~~ Queen: Brinicle @Bramblestar23 King: Prince/Princesses Generals Soldiers Servants Citizens: ~~~~~~~~~Nightwings~~~~~~~~~~ Queen: King: Erebus @raw-ghost Prince/Princesses Generals Soldiers Servants Citizens: ~~~~~~~~~Sandwings~~~~~~~~~ King: Eclipse @cs1761198 Queen: Prince/Princesses: Generals Soldiers Citizens: ~~~~~~~~~Windwings~~~~~~~~~~ Diamond, a ice wing animus,(@dashingdiamonds) Ex-queen: Slaves: Twister @dashingdiamonds Breeze @windrider_PI Runaways: Gust @raw-ghost Cloud @cailynmc ~~~~~~~~~Shadowwings~~~~~~~~~ King: Queen: Galaxy (@dashingdiamonds) you can challenge me to become queen! Princes/Princesses: Faith @Scarlett_Star Dusk @cailynmc Endless @IotheSilkwing Yip @knowa22 Generals Soldiers Reaper @flame_4 Eclipse @Darkmoon333 Bennu @galaxypaws1 Citizens: Darkwind @zodiacdog Gloom, egg @raw-ghost SCAVENGERS bio: Name//Age//Gender//Village//Talents//Personality//Backstory//Family//role//Other ~~~~~~~~~LeafCity~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (located in rain forest) Leader Willow Springflower @Dashingdiamonds Guards Citizens ~~~~~~~~~EarthCity~~~~~~~~~~~~ (located in mudwing kingdom) Leader Guards Citizens ~~~~~~~~~PalmCity~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (located near the beach) Leader Guards Citizens Ace Johnson @Bramblestar23 ~~~~~~~~~SandCity~~~~~~~~~~~~ (located in dessert) Leader: Tarah Lostfinder (@Bramblestar23, gloom’s caretaker) Guards Citizens