The Official Numberdudes Studio (S1E4 COMING SOON)
This is the OFFICIAL Numberdudes studio! VISITORS, CURATORS, AND FOLLOWERS: If you want to join, go copy and paste THIS link(If you haven't signed up): ___________________ ALL NUMBERDUDES -15: Negative Star-Step(Numberblock_Pau) -1: Negative Oneventeen(dexboxb) 0: Keith(cocoocofnf) 0.1: Onevententh(dexboxb) 0.125: Not taken 0.2: Twone and Eight Tenths(dexboxb) 0.25: Not taken 0.3: Tenthoggy(dexboxb) 0.4: RJY0.4(dexboxb) 0.5: Unlucky Half(marland345612) 0.6: Not taken 0.7: Not taken 0.75: Not taken Quarter Pi: Onelf Pi(dexboxb) 0.8: Not taken 0.9: Not taken 1: Oneventeen(GRAYSON713567517451) X: Exventeen(dexboxb) 1.1: Little Lemer(Made By Me) Half Pi: Twolf Pi(BoyGenius5044) 1.5: Mini-Star(Numberblock_Pau) 2: Twoghteen(Number_block_6) 3/4 Pi: Threlf Pi(dexboxb) 2.5: Not taken 3: Oggy(funfan2020) Pi: Fourlf Pi(dexboxb) 4: RJY4(TheReturnOfRJY123) 5/4 Pi: Fivelf Pi(dexboxb) 5: Unlucky 5(marland345612) 6: Remote(BestKidsEver_Jax) Tau: Eightelf Pi(dexboxb) 7: Levina 7(ElenielM) 8: Xoa(BestKidsEver_Jax) 9: Aesd324548(aesd324548) Rho: Not taken 10: TwentyBoxB(dexboxb) 11: Lemer(Creamy2dot0) 12: Fabian(fabiantube) Alpha: Not taken 13: Natura(Number_block_6) 14: Triton(TRiTonBlock7178) 15: Star-Step(Numberblock_Pau) 15x: StarX(Numberblock_Pau) Upsilon: Not taken 16: Jackson(BestKidsEver_Jax) 17: Not taken 18: Redboy(ashoto34) Eta: Not taken 19: Not taken 20: Train Score Kitty(TrainScoreKitty) 21: Ruvyzvat(From Jokeblocks) Sigma: Not taken 22: Not taken 23: Not taken 23.25: Daniel(danielpietro) 24: Not taken 25: Ian(NICEIANINADMINCREW) 26: Unluky Ikayo(ikayo26) 27: Not taken 28: Not taken 29: Bonio(dexboxb) 30: Big Oggy(dexboxb) 31: Not taken 32: Not taken 33: Not taken 34: Not taken 35: Not taken 36: Not taken 37: Not taken 38: Not taken 39: Not taken 40: RJY40(TheReturnOfRJY123) 49: BookieBear725(bookiebear725) 50: Unlucky Fifty(dexboxb) 55: Not taken 60: Big Remote(Made By Me) 64: Not taken 69: Not taken 70: Levina 70(dexboxb) 72: Des1.1(evy246) 80: Big Xoa(dexboxb) 81: Not taken 90: Big Aesd324548(dexboxb) 91: Not taken 99: Asedd3570028(dexboxb) 100: One Hundreventeen(Made By Me) 200: Two Hundreghteen(dexboxb) 300: Three Hundreggy(dexboxb) 400: RJY400(dexboxb) 500: Unlucky 500(dexboxb) 600: Remote V2(dexboxb) 700: Levina 700(dexboxb) 800: Giant Xoa(dexboxb) 900: Giant Aesd324548(dexboxb) 1000: One Thousventeen(dexboxb) 2000: Two Thousanteen(Number_block_6) _____________________________ RULES: Do not ban people Do not spam Do not vandalise Do not curse Do not be mean Do not change the title unless told to Do not change the description if you're a curator Do not change the pfp unless told to Do not add Non-Numberdudes projects CHAT IN COMMENTS! MANAGER CHAT BELOW! __________________________ MANAGER CHAT GRAYSON713567517451: Welcome! Number_block_6: :D GRAYSON713567517451: Nice, isn't it? TwentyBoxB (DEXBOXB) : Yea it is GRAYSON713567517451: I wish we had more members! GRAYSON713567517451: Anyone?