The New Dark(A Wof RPG/RP)
studio thumbnail is made by @unicorn_coder907 . RRRRRRREEEE AGAIN WITH THE DARKSTALKER! PLZ HELP WITH THIS ADDICTION! :w: Name/Age/Gender/Tribe(if the Dark island what kingdom?)/Looks/Personality/Power/Backstory/Other Darkstalker has taken over all of the land. No one opposes him or his family. But one day a strange island rose from the ocean. When explored, the survivors said that it was a land full of sinners. To those they brought back they said they were the evils from the future and past and that a hybrid named Karma enchanted an island to contain all the evils from all the land and made it so that it can contain them all if they did something horribly wrong because of four reasons: Wrath, Greed, Desire or Cruelty and being on that island was their punishment and there was no escape. But then Darkstalker and the leaders(Dods, DoJM, or the tribe leaders) have told them that perhaps they can be free if they choose to do the right thing. Will you side with Darkstalker? ------------------- CC------------------ Darkstalker(@articfoxes66WoF) Clay(Open) Peril(@perils_inner_demons) Glory(@cwkjohanna43174) Tsunami(@wingsoffirefan670) Star fight(UniGirl1000) Turtle(Open) Moon(Wingsoffirefan87) Winter(Open) Kinkajou(@galaxypaws1) Qibli(@OshawottWarrior) Blister( Bramblestar23) Burn(Open) Queen Coral(Open) Queen Thorn(zodiacdog) Queen Ruby(@OshawottWarrior) (Queen) Scarlet(OshawottWarrior) Queen Moorhen(Open) Whirlpool(Open) Clearsight(Open) Albtross(Open) Artic(Open) Blue(Gl1tch_Trap) Sundew(MeepyMonster) Cricket(mrm2950) -------------------OCs------------------ Smoke(TheMememancan) Belindo(brasier11) Lily(kanto_GIRL) Gryphon(serpantcat) The Unkown King(jazon80r) Stargazer (@cailynmc) ~~~~~~The Greed kingdom~~~~~ Cactus(Bramblestar23) ~~~~~~The Cruelty kingdom~~~~~ Shadow(@unicorn_coder907) Nightfall( ~~~~~~The Desire kingdom~~~~~ Blister ~~~~~~The Wrath kingdom~~~~~ Nightshade(serpantcat)