Official Dream Smp Army

This is the dream Smp army!
Dream Smp, stranger things and lgbtq+ projects only please!
Don’t remove projects PLEASE!!!!!!
Manger chat
we need more people
@WhittyYoutube : You spin me right round baby right round like a boat
@PeriwinkleVibes : Dream smp
@meh_girl : I’m to thic (screams)
@WhittyYoutube : your not thic gogy :)
@tinycrystal: Beep bo bop
You shall not translate that word
@PeriwinkleVibes : demonic
@meh_girl : finds Dream and stares into his soul
@WhittyYoutube -approaches george-
@meh_girl: senses that you’re there
Yes Dream
@Razvan1007:*watches book of mario king of miami*
@Razvan1007:*is about to play minecraft*
@Razvan1007:*plays minecraft*
@Misty230: yo pog ima manager-
@trasherraccoon has anyone seen that video where fundys veiwers made sent him links to buy them and one was a maid dress?
@meh_girl: yeah
@WhittyYoutube -hugs george-
@meh_girl: -Blushes-
@WhittyYoutube george i see your blushes
Meh_girl: n-no you don’t
@Razvan1007:*megalovania plays*
@WhittyYoutube George~ YOU TOOK MY COOKIES
@meh_girl: so what
@WhittyYoutube george
@meh_girl yes Dream
@Razvan1007:*megalovania intensifies*
@meh_girl: best song
@Unithlees3: ...
@Razvan1007:*windows error*
@Unithlees3: :o
@Razvan1007:*poyo intensifies*
@Razvan1007:F A A A A A R ! ! !
@WhittyYoutube gogy is mine
@meh_girl -blushes-
@Razvan1007:-blushes- is already a curator of this studio
@WhittyYoutube -kiz george-
@Razvan1007:someone please give me a minecraft server adress from romania
Razvan1007:minecraft does not let me join servers from elsewere
@Unithlees3: wut
@Razvan1007:i mean it says ,,host unknown"
@boiyokid6087: glatiator is pog
@misty230: w h a t-
@Razvan1007:a really nice number of projects
@paper_sketch : my life is ded why am i speaks :/
tinycrystal: honk
HotRose-honk honky
Wilbur: hey friends!
meh_girl: hi wilbur!
Ilovefish280: You feel your gogys crawling on your back
Wings_of_FireFAN911: hola soy dream. (/NOT/ a Gogy or Dream simp PFFFFT WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THTA?)
meh_girl: i mean the george i can understand-
Paper_sketch : G U N G A Z O O
@therealtnt111: r a n b o o
@meh_girl : hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii