FrostClan and StormClan RP
Hello, and welcome to StormClan! I am Miststar, the leader of this clan.I will be posting fun projects, like warrior creators, games,animations, books and music and art.We will also chat at certain times on comments,and I will invite our cats to be curators.Please join us! Sorry RULEZ now YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE WHEN ANY CATS ATTACK UNLESS YOU TELL ME!!!! YOU DO NOT GET POWERS UNLESS U ASKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First plz fill in sign in sheet If u are a aprentice play the aprentice game in the project section Kits can play kit games in project section warriors play warrior games and so on Leader:Miststar -Silver tabby she-cat with stormy blue eyes, and a scar on back. (Thiki92) Deputy:Smokewing-Gray tom with amber eyes Medicine cat:Diamondclaw- White-black she-cat with red eyes (clw23) APRENTICE-Leafshade-gray-white tortoiseshell she-cat (this slot is open for any changes just ask and you can be clw23's apprentice) Warriors: Hawkwatcher-Black odd-eye she cat-(DoughnutHole) Blackstorm-Black she-cat with white muzzle,and amber eyes. APRENTICE,Briarpaw Hawkclaw-Reddish brown tom Willowheart-Pale she-cat Dewdrop-Silver she-cat (katelou) Lightningstrike-Ginger she-cat Aprentice-Sunpaw Silvercloud-Silver tabby tom with green eyes Aprentice-Rainpaw Aprentices: Rainpaw-Blueish tom Briarpaw-Brown tabby she-cat Sunpaw-ginger tom Oliveshine-Ginger tabby tom Queens: Burnpelt-Reddish queen (Kits: Flamekit and Moonkit) Sunsong-Ginger queen (Kits:Thunderkit and Robinkit) Cloudpool-White tabby queen (kits: Freezekit and Skykit) Elders: Heatherbird-Sweet Ginger she-cat Cinderpool-Grumpy old gray tom FrostClan (rival clan) Leader-Nightstar-black tom (slot open if you want to be leader) Deputy-(slot open) Sub for now-She-cat Pondlily Medicine cat-tom-(slot open) Sub for now-Flashflame aprentice-(slot open) Sub: she-cat Rosepaw Warriors- Spashfall-tom aprentice-she-cat brackenpaw Bumbleflight-tom Silverheart-she-cat Toadpond-tom Dawnfur-she-cat Elders- Frogstep-tom Stonepelt-tom edited-ish