ScratchCuratorsStudio_67's Manger Application Form

Answer all the questions in the studio chat. Only 1 person will be promoted. AND PLEASE BE HONEST. If you are all ready manger on the studio you dont need to do this :) Studio link
1. Why should we pick you?
2. Have you ever been banned or muted on scratch?
3. What make you stand out from other people?
4. How long are you on scratch (Example 3pm-9pm)?
5. What is your time zone? (so i know what time you will be on for my time)
6. Will you use you privileges wisely for example NOT kicking everyone from the studio
7.Some one is spamming What do you do? (keep in mind everyone is curator)
8. Will you enforce the rules?
Congrats that is all the questions!!!! i will message you if i like your form.