Harry Potter girls rule
If you like harry potter and love the girls in it then follow this and add anything related to harry potter. Studio owned by: @LunaLovegoodSuperfan Every week we will have a debate this week and next weeks question is: Why do you like harry potter(the films or the books)? Tell me your ideas in the comments Also tell me in the comments what character you want your username to be put next to. GIRLS Luna:@LunaLovegoodSuperfan Hermionie:@simbagreat Ginny:@princessspygirl Belatrix:@Pudika Tonks:@mogandcharlie Cho;@Ingingfa Pansy:@leah_007 Narcissa Malfoy: Umbridge: Mrs weasly:@spiritutah McGonagall:@mothergirl Andromeda Tonks:@Scratch_me-as BOYS Harry:@DodgyDino Ron: Draco:@Yupitsstillme That's all i am doing for the boys