SST: Scratch Smash Tournament

Still dreaming fix this again thank you XD
(Thumbnail would be appreciated)
-The second very pog smash studio that WILL NOT die
So I was sitting on my couch doing my normal mourning of Geno not existing in smash when I saw that my Lan Adapter wasn't gonna come till after the smash world tour, meaning i couldn't try out. This gave me an idea. What if Me and a couple other people to help hosed a scratch smash tournament.
Invite people that have online and smash i swear-
-Official date tbd
Things to iron out:
-How many days per round/matches
-How to convince my mother to let me stay on my switch for 3 hours or more
-Easy communication between Mods
-Getting people to understand the freaking rules i swear-
-Prize Pool
-How to organize everything and get people to do something
-Problem fixing
-Lag=horrible but no require lan adapter. Any ideas?
No promoting unless you are a mod or something.
@Pezcrafter (My alt where tutorials and crap will go)
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