★ Fellow Actors Club ★
Welcome to the Fellow Actors Club! ——————————————— Contents • Why am I here • How to join • Rules • Tips and tricks • Links ——————————————— Why am I here Everybody invited is either interested in acting, currently an actor, was an actor, or voice acted in a project ——————————————— How can I join You can join multiple ways, you can become an actor, you can say #break-a-leg or say who is your favorite actor and who do they play? You can also follow @Good-Vibxs ——————————————— Rules No hate No editing description unless giving tips about acting No advertising/F4f Invite all actors you know Have fun! ——————————————— Tips and Tricks ★ If you wouldn’t see a person actually do it in RL, probably don’t do it ★Once on stage, your not yourself, your a different person, not yourself ★For an entire day, try to become the character and say what they would say in that situation ★Record yourself doing it to see how you can improve ★ Give your character a thumbprint by making there styles unique. Revive there personality ★ Look for key words in the script to get a hint of the feelings and the mood of the scene ★When background character, lip say watermelon over and over. It will seem like your saying something ★ No looking at the audience. They are not apart of the play unless it is written like that. ——————————————— :Links: {Add them here}