Magically Strange Oddities
a very big and confusling story/ multiple stories, mostly from the scratch reality
- dying fantasy (reality-627)
- fallen fantasy (reality-627)
- blue box
???: They cant know
Characters (of What is Known):
Detective Alex:
A detective that works on a minimum wage, has light pale blonde hair and brown eyes, association with the others is evident
Dr. Haidens:
the doctor who created CADAN and works on a military base lab facility with Dr. Adam and Samantha as an assistant, blue-ish gray fur with green eyes
Dr. Adam:
A doctor who works with Haidens who seems to have been at the scene of the Fantasy Incident 3 years back, black hair very pale skin and purple eyes, most features are hidden
Assistant of Dr. Haidens on an apprenticeship and is very reserved, brown hair and green eyes
Keno Shiri:
the ex-assistant of Dr. Haidens who's having identity issues and accidentally caused an X class event,
pink hair, feminine features
the egocentric half-god half-demon and a little too confident but Sam doesn't care, pale skin and black hair
(more descriptions of these characters are available in the case files)