~*Details!*~A 5/5 PFP Shop {OPEN}
Yeah, yeah ,yeah I know that you've probably been invited to profile picture shops before, but none like this! @ABOcoder10 is very skilled and detailed at profile pictures via Piccrew. You can order a special profile picture by filling out the options below. ONLY HUMANS, PLEASE!! Also,you don't have to use it for a PFP; you can use it for an intro or anything else. @ABOcoder10 can also make a celebrity, as long as you provide a photo. Please be considerate and thorough! THE EASIEST THINGS: ~Skin color ~Eye color ~Gender FACE SHAPE: ~Round ~Curvy ~Pointed ~Chubby EYE SHAPE: ~Oval ~Round ~Squarish ~Big ~Slanted ~Angry ~Winking/closed (specify right or left) ~Eye patch (over one eye) ~ Other (specify) EYEBROWS: ~Bushy ~Thick ~Curvy ~Thin ~Slanted (angry) ~Worried ~Other (specify) NOSE SHAPE: ~Typical ~Rounded ~Big ~Small/tiny ~Pointed ~Nostril outline ~Other (specify) MOUTH: ~Kissing ~ :3 (I don't know how to say this) ~ :> (I don't know how to say this) ~Slanted/straight face ~Showing teeth smile ~Typical smile ~Meh face/chewing ~Tongue out center ~Tongue out side ~Scared face/angry face ~Fangs ~Bared teeth ~Buckteeth BIRTHMARKS/FACIAL THINGS: ~Beauty mark by eye (specify) ~Beauty mark by mouth (specify which side) ~Freckles ~Goatee ~Light mustache ~Glitter (on cheeks) ~Cat whiskers ~Tear/sweat ~Bruises/scars (specify) ~Scars/cuts (specify) ~Blush ~Vitiligo (on face) Hair colors examples: ~ANY HAIR TYPE ACCEPTED, ALL FRINGES, CUTS, TYPES, AND STYLES ACCEPTED ~You can have curly African-American hair that is dyed blue on the top ~You can have a blond pony tail with black bangs ~You can have pink roots with a green bun ~See projects for examples => ~Hijabs availible ~Mohawks and shaves available too SIDE CURLS: ~Side braids ~Sideburns ~Side strands of hair (specify) ~Side curls/wisps BACK HAIR: ~Thick curls ~Wavy hair ~Bun/buns (specify) ~Afro ~Ponytail/ponytails (specify) ~Wave ~Short hair ~Other (specify OUTFIT(SPECIFY COLOR(S): ~Overalls ~No shirt ~Striped shirt ~Suit ~Sailor suit ~Tank top ~Yoga top ~Off the shoulder sweatshirt ~Hoodie (not hooded) ~Stars jacket ~Typical jacket ~Typical T-Shirt ~Other (specify) HEAD ACCESSORIES (SPECIFY ANY COLOR): ~Headband ~Headband with bow ~Devil horns ~Flower ~Ribbon ~Barrettte(s) ~Head wrap (not full) ~Baseball cap ~Beanie ~Crown ~Kepah ~Antlers ~Bull horns ~Witch hat ~Cat or dog ears GLASSES: ~Any shape, any color ~Shades EXTRAS: ~Mask (any color) ~Eye patch ~Bandages (specify) ~Hoop earring ~Headphones ~Head mic ~Triangle earring ~Crescent earring ~Hearing aid HANDS: ~Peace sign with one hand (specify) ~Peace sign with both hands ~Hand holding up any Pride flag (specify) BACKGROUND: ~Sparkles, stars, hearts,or glitter around head ~Any solid color background ~Any Pride flag (specify) BADGE ON SHIRT: ~Any pride flag (specify)


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