-TheCoolCoders'- Spring Game Jam

This is our first ever Game Jam. A Game Jam is when you make a game in a specified time limit under a certain theme that is decided by us @-TheCoolCoders- . For this Game Jam you will have to make a game in 2 weeks.
The theme is in this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/29312560/
You can enter at any time during the Jam. To enter comment "I'm in", in the studio comments and we will make you a studio curator. To submit add the game you made for the Game Jam to this studio. Your game must portray the theme in some way or you will be disqualified.
The projects must be submited by May 4, 2021 at 1:00pm EST (12:00pm CST, 10:00am PST, 6:00pm BST, and 9:00am AKDT). The date changed because of lack of submissions.
1. Have Fun
2. Be nice in the comments
3. Only enter on one account
4. If you have any question ask in the comments or our profile
5. You may advertise but no spamming
6. You can not enter an already existing project/remix
7. If you make an animation it must be interactive
3rd: 1 follow from Us.
2nd: 3 follows one from Us and the others from our accounts and you get to be a Judge for -TheCoolCoders'-
Summer Game Jam coming Summer of 2021.
1st: 3 follows one from Us and the others from our accounts and you get to be a Judge for -TheCoolCoders'-
Summer Game Jam coming Summer of 2021. The final award is if you are willing you get to join @-TheCoolCoders- so make sure to bring your "A" game.