Code breakers- a roleplay! :D READ DESC (ww2)
The time is World War II, and you are called to be a code breaker! YOU MUST BE A KID FROM 8+ as your character! story: In WW2 many people used codes, some of which have never been solved! As you avoid the Nazis in France, you pick up codes to try and find a way to protect your Jewish friends! bio: Name//Last Name// Looks//Any family on the front?//are you a Jewish person trying to hide, or a French code breaker trying to save a Jewish person?//character traits//pets?//where do you live? (check streets for this roleplay!)//crush?//whom do you travel with?//age//backstory//supplies//other By the way: you are in France where they speak French, but use English when rolplaying, but you can use French if you want! Streets you can live in: Bois Avenue Maurice Street Jaune Street Faisceau Street What was World War II?: World War II was when a political party from Germany led by Adolf Hitler called the Nazis invaded Europe, where many Jewish people lived. They killed many Jewish people and soon other countries declared war on Germany to try and free the Jewish people. We honor those who have died in the sad story of World War II. Recommended for more information: Search "World War II" BUT DO NOT LOOK AT IMAGES IF YOU CANNOT LOOK AT DEAD PEOPLE!!!. (There are many bad images of dead Jewish people, very thin and sunken eyes. DO NOT look at these, it is very bad. You could look at it if you have seen images like that or are 14 and up) Ranks: Spies:, (with the S.O.E, parachuted down to give messages) Code breakers (MUST BE CHILDREN): Jewish people trying to hide: What were some codes?: one code was Acrostic, in which the first letter of a phrase goes down and makes a word. Example of Acrostic: Why are you laughing? Of puppies and kittiens Right here, Left there Left? WHAT Day day, D-Day! Translation: World. Create codes using these codes! Harder code: This code brings each letter three paces forward! Here is the key: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (normal alphabet) (changed to this: DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC so to solve this you simply match the letters to it's letter in the normal alphabet. Like D would be A and E would be B. Now you can roleplay!