(OPEN)Game contest
(OPEN)Game contest Please read the whole thing so you get all the information you need If you want to be a prize giver then say you want to be a prize giver in the comments and what you will give If you want to enter the contest then say I want to enter the contest and then add a project that you made Note: you can be a prize giver and a contestant rules: -All the sprites and backdrops have to be drawn by you -you are only allowed to add one project to this studio How to enter the Contest: -you have to be following me -you have to follow the studio -make a project and add it to the studio -you can only add one project to this studio Updates will be announced here: I got a new key board so it doesn't have to be mobile any more. Second update you can be a prize giver and a contestant (if you want). The deadline is Friday, May 21, 2021 I will announce the winners one or two days after Prize givers: @RandomActOfKindness...a follow @ara-girl...two hearts and a star @Isshrfa...five hearts and five stars @Rarch9... three hearts and a star @IHasFoods @dunk7 Contestants: @AlessLuvsCoding @dunk7 @joey-12345678910 @theuknow1234567890 @ABOcoder10 @Mrbottlecap @nitrofastgaming02 @HyperKittyCat @hamer1224 @volcanicwarrior First place: 1 follow 7 hearts and 6 stars on any projects they choose Second place: 3 harts and a star Only 50% of you would’ve read the whole thing your one of those 50% of them